Newborn Baby Boy Makes Four!

Annapolis Newborn Session 2017

Posted 03.30.2017 Annapolis, Lifestyle, Newborns

Newborn Baby Boy makes four and brings lots of happiness to this Annapolis family. He is as cute as he can be and as good as he is cute!

His little sister still isn’t sure what to make of his arrival and all the fuss but I know that they will be best friends in no time.  For now I think she is happy just reading her books.  Just saying….if he is lucky enough to have those baby blues like her he will be one lucky guy!  I can’t believe that less than 2 years ago I was photographing her as a newborn!  Time marches on!

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Once you have had that first baby and you know that it just takes a little time to get into a rhythm, handling the second one oftentimes  appears to be much easier.  I know when you have a baby boy like this one life seems pretty smooth.  Guess that is easy for me to say since I was only there for a few hours!  But, from what I saw, he is going to fit right into this amazing family.  Actually , I think he already has!  Congrats to this special family of four on the birth of their new baby boy!  Can’t wait to watch him grow up!



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Omg! Brought joyful tears to my eyes! So sweet-
Thank you for sharing!

These are so beautiful!!
My baby and her babies. Thanks