Fall Family Celebration

Family Sessions 2016

Posted 11.22.2016 Children, Families

The Spencers had a wonderful Fall Family Celebration this month!  So much to be happy about and what better way to celebrate than to have family together and document it all by taking photographs!  I was so fortunate that I was able to join the Spencers for the occasion.spencer2016_4621edits Fall Celebration

When you have  four children that all live in different places it is often a challenge to pull everyone together for a celebration , much less a photo. As we all know family is such a gift…..I love when I am able to see all the groupings that come together to paint the whole picture.  Nothing could make parents happier than this.


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 spencer2016_4802editsThe Spencers were toasting good health, new jobs, new moves and simply being together.  I know that the grandparents were so thrilled to have all of their children together but having seeing their grandchildren playing and laughing was a true joy.

spencer2016_4797edits spencer2016_4701editsThanks to the Spencers for inviting me to their family fall celebration.  Thanksgiving started early here…so much to be grateful for!

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