There is nothing better than a newborn baby!  They are cuddly, cute and bring happiness to everyone around them.  When you hold them in your arms they have this special smell that only newborns have….fresh, new, and simply wonderful….nothing like it.  And, although we give them strength when we hold them; truly, they give the same thing back to us as parents.









They arrive in this world with a clean slate  and we care for them and raise them the best we can.  I know that looking at these two wonderful parents that this little girl will be surrounded by lots of love….and probably a little bit of lacrosse!  They are already super parents and she is in for a great childhood ride.





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They say little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice and this little angel is no exception.  We surrounded her in pink and pearls and showered her with flowers. I think you will agree with me that she certainly wears it well ….even at this young age.









Since her grandparents live in Sherwood it was fun to roam the neighborhood and take a few shot outside in some special places. More importantly,  both her mom and dad grew up in the neighborhood and were childhood friends before they married. Seemed appropriate to capture a few images where lots of memories were made.  Thanks for sharing all this baby love with me!  I look forward to watching this little one grow up!


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