Annapolis Holiday Session

Family session 2016

Posted 12.15.2016 Annapolis, Children, Families

My last Annapolis Holiday Session was held last week at St Johns College and I think the family I was working with had as much fun as I did.  They certainly made the best out of  COLD morning!  I am hoping that these little gals got rewarded with a nice breakfast when we finished up because they earned it!

Secondly, have you ever seen such long eyelashes?  I can’t even imagine will happen when they are old enough to wear mascara…. a few blinks with their eyes and I am sure that they will wrap their Dad right around their little fingers!  Although, maybe they have done that already!


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I have always said that one of the best parts of my job is being able to meet new families and capture some happy memories for them.  One thing is for sure…this family knew how to have fun!

Many Thanks to the Greens for coming to Annapolis last weekend for their Holiday Session!  It was truly a pleasure to spend time with all of you.

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